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Nouns: abstract and concrete


Nouns in English can be abstract and concrete.




Concrete nouns denote things that have some physical form and that you can experience through your 5 senses — sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.


Examples of concrete nouns are:

  • book, river, air, forest, apple, noise, car, street, pen, bottle, stone, lamp, etc.

Abstract nouns denote things that don’t have any physical form, like events, ideas, qualities, concepts, emotions, states.


Examples of abstract nouns are:

  • love, hate, sympathy, honesty, freedom, truth, knowledge, progress, friendship, etc.




Most concrete nouns may be used both with an indefinite and definite article and may be singular and plural.

  • an ocean – the ocean – oceans
  • an avenue – the avenue – avenues


Unlike concrete nouns, most abstract nouns are used with no (zero) article and in singular.

  • Love is a powerful emotion.


BUT: if an abstract noun is qualified by a defining relative or by the preposition of + noun phrase, it can be used with a definite article ‘the’.

  • The education that I received in my college is internationally recognized.


Many abstract nouns can be both countable and uncountable based on the context, and usually these forms differ a bit in their meaning. If they are countable, they may be used in plural.




Countable Uncountable
Peter acquired several useful skills on a hike. 


What qualities do you need for this job?


The Ministry of Culture provides support to young artists.


Mary has visited Italy many times.


Were there any troubles on your route?


Just have a look at those beauties on the beach!

It requires skill to make a fire in the woods.


This restaurant is known for it’s superb quality.


The Institute develops targeted programmes for different cultures and languages.


Hurry up, you don’t have much time left.


Please be careful not to get in trouble.


People do their best to preserve the beauty of their city.